にてベストセラー作家であるzatooの作品を Hollywood 映画の*Shining in the red ocean*を翻訳した Ayako Tazohと翻訳チームが翻訳


海外受賞歴のあるstereovisionによる表紙にてこの度 出版となった翻訳版*情熱をかけられる夢の見つけ方* *How to find a dream you can be passionatea about*

Amazon link:で1位4冠獲得した本書が翻訳版となって








0章 孤独は怖いですか?

1章 100個これまでしてきたことを書きだしてみよう
コラム 自分をとらえる方法その①―昔から自分を知る友人に自分の特徴について聞いてみよう
コラム 自分をとらえる方法その②―占いやキャラクター診断を受けてみよう
コラム 自分をとらえる方法その③―自分の本当にやりたいことが見つかった瞬間(僕のcase)

2章 100個これからしたみたいことを書きだしてみよう
3章 自分の夢をかなえたときの気持ちを考えてみよう
コラム そんなにしたいことをどうして実際に行動に移せないか?考えてみよう

4章 実際に実現に向けて行動してみよう
5章 本当にその夢がかなったらわくわくするか考えてみよう(人から非難をうけたりしても心が折れないか考えてみよう)
 コラム こんなところでも、親が喜ぶからとか、他の人に自慢できるからとかそういう理由で選んでいませんか?
 コラム 自分の情熱がかけられる源泉を探ってみよう

6章 夢をかなえるにあたり、人との関係が必要かどうか考えてみよう
7章 趣味は趣味のままでおいていたほうがいいのじゃないかということに対する回答
8章 人には承認の段階がある(マズローの欲求)
9章 AI時代に本当に生き残れる職業
10章 お金を稼ぐ必要が無くなってもそれはしたいことですか?名誉が得られなくてもしたいことですか?
 コラム ゴッホの例―人から承認を受けなくてもしたい仕事


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Ayako Tazoh
Hollywood 映画の*Shining in the red ocean*を翻訳

Shane A‘Court 

EPUB サポーター

Hitoshi Michizuki 


Bestselling author  zatoo's work.

Translator Ayako Tazoh had already translated the movie *Shining in the red ocean* a Hollywood movie.
This translator Ayako Tazoh and her translation team translated this new released book.

In the last year we have got four Amazon No.1 rankings and
also translated this book  into English.
This time, it has acquired  the 2th ranking in the total foreingn books in and
14 No.1 rankings in subcategories and entered the bestseller.

And this translated book was designed by the international award-winner stereovision.
 *How to find a dream you can be passionate about* is now available and 

the book is currently undergoing a publishing campaign!

As a high school or college student, you may be asked more and more about your future direction and what you want to become.
The author thinks that there will be more opportunities to be asked about your future direction and what you want to become at school and at career counseling sessions.
According to LINE Research on December 19 in Japan, 2022 (the survey was conducted from November 14 to November 15 among 1,024 male and female high school freshmen to juniors throughout Japan). 
According to the survey the TOP 1 occupations high school students wanted to become were national and local public officials.
When the  author heard this answer, they thought to themselves, "Wow, do you really sincerely believe that?" 
They also wondered if it was a reflection of the current unfavorable economic climate. And conversely, they wondered if he was choosing a job with his feet planted in reality.

However in their high school days they didn‘t know what they wanted to be.

If you know what you want to do, if you have a firm idea of who you are and what you want to do, if you know that you want to be a chef, or a policeman, or a baseball player, or whatever, then you do not need to read this book .
If you know what you want to do, you may not really need to read this book.
However, even those who have a firm sense of self sometimes lose sight of who they are.
For example, there is the case of the athlete who got injured, or the person who chose a job that he or she loved,
Or an athlete who was injured, or an employee who chose a job he or she loved but was restructured because of poor performance at the company where he or she worked. In the midst of too many bad relationships, we sometimes wonder if what we want to do is really what we want to do, and we lose ourselves.
I wonder if this is what I really want to do.
In such situations, I actually believe that a two-pronged approach is necessary for us.
One approach is to actually get specific information about my future work and what I
 want to do.
Another aspect of the approach is to delve into my inner self.

As for their own background, as a mental health management certification holder,
They wrote about what they have thought about and tried to do in the course of their
 own restructuring and job change.
The actual process of getting information about what I want to do and what I want to do in the future depends on each person's background,
They will not go into the details of how to get information about what I want to do and what kind of work I want to do, because each person's background is different, and the skills and abilities they possess are different.
Another aspect is to delve into your inner self,
This is something that everyone can do, so I would like to talk about it.
So, without further ado, let's begin.

If you have lost sight of what you really want to do in your daily life, if you want to live life with more passion, if you want to find your true calling, if you want to discover a new you, then please read this book first.

table of contents
In the beginning
Chapter 0 Are you afraid of loneliness?
Chapter 1 Write down 100 things you have done so far.
Column How to find yourself (1) - Ask friends who have known you for a long time about your characteristics.
Column How to find yourself (2) - Take a fortune-telling reading or character assessment
Column How to find yourself (3) - The moment when you find what you really want to do (in my case)
Chapter 2 Write down 100 things you want to do in the future
Chapter 3: Think about how you will feel when you fulfill your dream
Column Why can't I actually do what I want to do? Let's think about it!
Chapter 4 Let's actually take action to make it come true!
Chapter 5 Think about how exciting it would be if your dream really came true (Think about whether your heart will not be broken even if you are criticized by others)
 Column Even in such a place, are you choosing it because it will make your parents happy or because it will make you proud to show off to others?
 Column Find the source of your passion.
Chapter 6 Think about whether you need relationships with others to achieve your dreams.
Chapter 7: Answer to the question of whether it is better to leave hobbies as hobbies
Chapter 8: There are stages of approval (Maslow's Desire)
Chapter 9: Occupations that can really survive in the age of AI
Chapter 10 Even if you no longer need to make money, is it something you still want to do? Is it something you want to do even if you don't get honor?
 Column Van Gogh's example - work you want to do even if you don't get approval from others
At the End

Author’s name
Bestselling author (25 Amazon books with a total of 192 #1 titles)
A total of 192 Amazon No.1 rankings 
, translator, accessory designer, doctor, FIRE achiever

(45books published in total).

After working at a hospital as a doctor, I  worked for a foreign company.

Started writing after achieving FIRE(=Financial Independent Retire Early).


Board Certification in Internal Medicine, Board Certification in General Internal Medicine, Board Certification in Diabetes Mellitus, Board Certification in Diabetes Care and Treatment

Mental Health Management Levels 2 and 3

Certified Osteopathic Body Care Therapist Certified Relaxation Osteopathic Body Care Therapist

Certified sports bodywork body care therapist

Certified Beauty Skin Therapist(R) Certified Speed-Reading Instructor

Awarded the Prize for Excellence in the Regular Course in Pharmaceutical Evaluation Science, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo in Japan

Worked for a foreign company


Ayako Tazoh

She has translated Hollywood movies. (Credits in the end roll)

Shane A‘Court 

Designer name


Graphic designer and Art Director
They handle all aspects of graphic work.
In recent years, they were a finalist in the Good Design Awards in 2021, and won the Best Design Award in Luxembourg and Milan in 2022 and 2023, respectively, for two consecutive years. They worked in designing for major companies and celebrities.

EPUB supporter

Hitoshi Michizuki